Chinese Owl Standard

National Chinese Owl Club

The purpose of the National Chinese Owl Club is to promote, breed and show the Chinese Owl Pigeon. The club has nine districts, with up to 3 district directors in each district. Each district generally has three sanctioned meets per year. In addition to the district meets, we have an annual meet with the National Pigeon Association. We also have an annual young bird show and an annual fall meet. The competition is great and the fellowship is even better.

In addition to a certified judge program, we have a points system to recognize excellence in breeding and showing Chinese Owls. Other points are awarded for judging and development of new colors. We have a Hall of Fame program to recognize specific Chinese Owls that excel in NCOC competition.

The Chinese Owl is a sturdy little bird, and a challenge to breed. They are prolific and have a beak long enough to feed their young. They are considered a structure pigeon. It is a challenge to raise an exceptional bird.
We have been blessed with many successful Junior members. We encourage them by having a junior specific awards program.

The club promotes fellowship among its members through the shows, newsletters, and our webpage. The newsletter is sent to the membership via e-mail attachment.

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Contact Us

Wes Price Secretary/Treasurer, 5180 N. Grand Canyon Dr., Las Vegas NV 89149


Club Store

Visit our club store webpage to join the club, purchase bands and more.

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